Item Comparisons


By examining individual NSSE questions, you can better understand what contributes to your institution's performance on Engagement Indicators and High-Impact Practices. This section displays the five questions on which your first-year and senior students scored the highest and the five questions on which they scored the lowest, relative to students in your Snapshot comparison group. Parenthetical notes indicate whether an item belongs to a specific Engagement Indicator or is a High-Impact Practice. While these questions represent the largest differences (in percentage points), they may not be the most important to your institutional mission or current program or policy goals. For additional results, see your Frequencies and Statistical Comparisons report.

Highest Performing Relative to UMD Peers

Lowest Performing Relative to UMD Peers
Percentage Point Difference with UMD Peers

1. Combination of students responding "Very often" or "Often."
2. Combination of students responding "Very much" or "Quite a bit."
3. Rated at least 6 on a 7-point scale.
4. Combination of students responding “Strongly agree” or “Agree.”

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