Administration Options

Population File

Your institution provided a population file for survey administration and was afforded an opportunity to
update it.

Included "group" variablesa Yes
Identified an oversampleb Yes
Updated to identify ineligible studentscYes
Identified students who completed BCSSE 2014dYes
a. Institutions had the option to include additional variables in their population files for oversampling or for their own post hoc analyses. Up to five “group” variables were allowed. If formatting specifications were met, Group 1 can be used in the Report Builder—Institution Version.
b. Institutions that did not survey all first-year and senior students (census) had the option to oversample a segment of their population. Oversamples may also be used to survey students in other class years.
c. Institutions had the option to update their population file to identify students who did not return to campus in the spring or otherwise did not meet NSSE eligibility criteria.
d. Institutions that participated in the Beginning College Survey of Student Engagement (BCSSE) can identify BCSSE survey respondents in their NSSE population file. This information is required to receive the longitudinal results in the BCSSE-NSSE Combined Report.

Survey Options

The options below were available to customize the content of your NSSE survey, and to collect complementary data from companion surveys.

Administration features
Sample type Census
Recruitment method Email
Incentive offeredYes
Survey versionU.S. English
Institution logo used in surveyYes
Additional items and companion surveys
Asked sexual orientation question  No
Topical module(s)Writing Experiences
BCSSE 2014Yes
FSSE 2015Yes

Recruitment Messages

Students received up to five direct contacts. Your institution had the ability to customize recruitment messages for your campus.

Message scheduleCumulative response rate
Invitation03/09/2015 10%11%
Reminder 103/17/201520%21%
Reminder 203/25/201525%25%
Reminder 304/08/201527%28%
Final reminder04/14/201529%31%

Report Customization

Your institution had the option to customize the comparison groups used in reports.

Comparison groups for NSSE core survey reports
Group 1GLC Peers (customized)
Group 2Private Master's S (customized)
Group 3NSSE 2014 & 2015 (default)

Comparison groups for additional question set report(s)
Writing ExperiencesMaster's S (customized)

Administration Summary

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